Directorate Vessel Traffic Services Authority – Black Sea as a division in Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company provides the following types of services within its departments:
A. Within the Vessel Traffic Management and Information System (VTMIS) and depending on the area where the vessel is:
1. Information and navigation services:
- Information to the vessels and external users concerning vessels movements;
- Information to the vessels concerning the state and activity of coast authorities and equipments, necessary for maritime navigation;
- Information for hydro-meteorological conditions and recommendations to the ship’s Master during complicated weather;
- Information for vessels threatening the safety of shipping, safety of life at sea, environment protection, as well as maritime accidents information;
- Any information related to conditions and safety of shipping and navigation services;
2. Vessel traffic management services:
- Vessels traffic management in order to prevent emergency, danger of accidents, collision, and to provide the process of anchorage and stay at anchorage.
- Traffic management in the Ports and connecting Channels and docking, according to the local rules and regulations;
B. Within the department Coast Station “Varna Radio”:
- In accordance with the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) provides continuous 24-hour monitoring of international channels and frequencies for distress (zones А1 and А2 of GMDSS)
- Distributes marine safety information (information about hydro-meteorological conditions, navigational warnings and other information related to the conditions and safety of navigation);
- Provides communications in maritime distress situations and accidents;
- Provides general radio communication services and ship-to-shore voice communications.
C. Within the departments Information Centre - Varna and Information Centre - Burgas, serving as a National Center for E-documentation in Maritime Transport, provides assistance to the vessels, shipping agencies, and coast authorities for processing of documents on issuance permits of “Notice of Arrival”, “Port Clearance” and “Sailing Permission”.
D. Department Technical Operation and Maintenance performs successfully all the activities on technical operation and maintenance of the facilities, apparatuses, systems and subsystems, thus providing services of highest quality for all participants in shipping, according to national and European requirements. Directorate “Vessel Traffic Services Authority – Black Sea” as a division in Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company provides traffic management and navigation services to all vessels in the territorial sea and Bulgarian territorial waters, as the set of rules for providing information and services to external users is defined by the General Director of Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company.