Requests for pilotage are submitted to the Manoeuvre planning information system in maritime ports (MOVER). Ship’s terminal, the towage and mooring companies, the dangerous cargo on board (if there is such), and the presence of "gas free" certificate for oil tankers are filled in the request. 

The port operator is obliged to prepare the quay for the permitted manoeuver and shall place the necessary technical machinery of the quay equipment on such places as not to obstruct the manoeuvring and should indicate the position of the bow and the stern or the manifold where a tanker ship is concerned, upon the arrival manoeuver or shifting of the vessel.

The non-mandatory pilotage area under the jurisdiction of directorate “Maritime administration – Varna” is as follows:

1. from/to access point № 1 in front of cape Kaliakra with coordinates W = 43° 19',7 N / L = 028° 29',2 E and

2. from/to fairway № 2 in front of cape Emine with coordinates W = 42° 39',7 N / L = 027° 56',8 E to/from ports anchorages  under the jurisdiction of directorate “Maritime administration – Varna”.

Any vessel wishing to use a pilot for deep sea pilotage or pilotage between ports, should submit through their agents a 24-hour prior notice and 12-hour final notice before their arrival at the determined access point to Pilot's Station – Varna.

Upon entry of the ship into the port or canals, the pilot should embark on the ship east off the Meridian at Cape Galata, and upon exit, the pilot should disembark from the ship to the east off St. Nikola Lighthouse.

In cases of inability of the pilot to embark on or disembark from the ship due to unfavourable hydro-meteorological conditions at the places determined, the pilot may request from the ship master to steer the ship to a safe place, as the on-duty operator of the Vessel Traffic Management and Information System should also be notified about such a decision.

The director of directorate “Maritime Administration – Varna” may permit shore based pilotage for high speed passenger ships, vessels servicing the platforms and other specialized ships when a pilot-instructor has given instructions and a written declaration of consent from the ship master is presented. Such permission should be issued for each individual case.

Due to unfavourable hydro-meteorological conditions, when the pilot is not able to embark on the ship at the pilot station, the operational manager of the pilot's station should conduct shore based pilotage till the time of embarkation of the pilot.